Ethereum: how to cancel unconfirmed transaction in
Cancelling an Unconfirmed Ethereum Transaction on
I understand why you’re frustrated by the lack of helpful answers. Canceling an unconfirmed transaction in your Ethereum wallet is indeed a process that requires some technical expertise, but I’m here to guide you through it.
What is an unconfirmed transaction?
Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly understand what happens when a transaction goes unconfirmed:
- When you send funds from one Ethereum address to another using a mixer or relay service, the transaction is broadcast and confirmed by the network (although in this case, it was probably never confirmed).
- By default, the transaction remains on the blockchain for an extended period of time, which can cause problems if someone tries to use the funds before they’re confirmed.
- To cancel an unconfirmed transaction, you need to make sure that the funds are still available and accessible.
How to Cancel an Unconfirmed Ethereum Transaction on
Using your Ethereum wallet address (e.g. [Your Wallet Address]), follow these steps:
- Find the Transaction: On, open the “Transactions” tab and find the unconfirmed transaction associated with your Bitcoin (BTC) funds.
- Check the Status: Make sure the transaction is indeed unconfirmed by checking its status in the “Status” column.
- Find the Sender Address: Identify the Ethereum wallet address of the mixer or transmission service that received your BTC.
- Submit a “Cancel” request
: In the “Details” section, click the “Actions” drop-down menu and select “Cancel Transaction.” This will initiate a new transaction to cancel the original one.
However, this process is not foolproof, as the transaction may still be confirmed by the network or other nodes on the blockchain. To minimize risks:
- Wait a while: If you are concerned about the transaction being confirmed, wait a little longer (e.g. 30 minutes) before reversing it.
- Check regularly: Periodically check your transactions to make sure they are reversed as expected.
Important Note
While this method allows you to reverse an unconfirmed Ethereum transaction on, there are potential risks:
- The mixer or relay service may still be using the funds, and you may lose access to them if they are not notified.
- If another party is waiting for the funds, they may try to claim them before the reversal.
To reduce these risks, consider using a more secure approach, such as using a hardware wallet or a reputable relay service that can guarantee transaction immutability.